Digital tools to modernise patients' healthcare pathways

Press articles

In its June edition, “Letz be Healthy” magazine published an article highlighting the increasing integration of technology in the Luxembourg healthcare system

Article dans magazine Letz be healthy

The article is entitled “Vers une santé connectée : comment le Dossier de Soins Partagé (DSP) et le Carnet de Vaccination Électronique (CVE) vous placent au cœur de votre parcours de santé”. It explores in depth how the DSP and CVE are helping to modernise healthcare in Luxembourg, giving patients a more active and centralised role in managing their health. It details the benefits of these digital services, including easier access to medical information and optimised monitoring and coordination of care.

These technological innovations also enhance the security and confidentiality of medical data, while offering practical functionalities. By highlighting these advances, Letz be Healthy underlines the importance of digitisation for a more efficient, patient-centred healthcare system.

To find out more, read the full article. (in french)

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