On Wednesday 8 November 2023, the Chairman of the Management Board of the Agence eSanté, Marc Hostert, and the new Chief Executive, Ian Tewes, presented the 2022 annual report and gave an overview of the eSanté services put in place by the Agency
Among the highlights of 2022 were the launch of the Electronic Vaccination Record (CVE - Carnet de Vaccination Electronique) and the "myDSP" mobile application. They specified that more than 27,000 CVEs had been created, and more than 139,000 vaccination procedures recorded since the service was launched. The DSP has also seen a significant increase in its use, with over 3,400 healthcare professionals having granted permanent access to patient health data.
The presentation also highlighted other eSanté services, such as the DOMI service for reporting infectious diseases and the External Web Service (WSE) for verifying patients' social security affiliations and prescribing rights for healthcare professionals. These services are increasingly used by healthcare professionals.
The preparatory work in progress for future eSanté services, including in particular electronic prescribing (ePrescription), was also mentioned. In conclusion, the speakers stressed that the success of eSanté services depends not only on the Agency, but also on the contribution of the other actors in the healthcare ecosystem, particularly from the regulatory and technical points of view.
► Click here to download the press release
► Click here to download the presentation
► Click here to download the annual report