A new meeting with the service providers

Information meeting

On Wednesday 5 July 2023, the Agence eSanté organised an information meeting for health information systems industry representatives at the House of BioHealth in Esch

Différentes personnes échangeant autour d'un verre

The agenda included several important points, such as the Agency's role in the Accelerated Reimbursement (remboursement accéléré, RA) and Immediate Direct Payment (paiement immédiat direct, PID) schemes. In addition, presentations were made on scenarios concerning the DSP, ePrescription and identito-vigilance. Other subjects were also discussed, including a review of the workshops organised by the Agency on the ergonomics of medical practice management software, and an update on the smart DSP.

The meeting concluded with a convivial discussion over a closing drink.

Click here, to download the presentation