Electronic Vaccination Record (CVE - Carnet de Vaccination Electronique )

Homme qui se fait vacciner

This personalised and secure service allows your patient to:

  • easily consult their vaccinations at any time
  • receive notifications for their vaccination reminders
  • receive personalised vaccination advice in accordance with the recommendations of the CSMI (Conseil Supérieur des Maladies Infectieuses)

The CVE is being rolled out to vaccinators from mid-January 2022

It is being deployed in private doctors' practices according to their speciality. Initially, the tool and dedicated equipment will be installed in paediatricians' practices, then in general practitioners and infectious diseases specialists, and finally in obstetrician-gynaecologists practices.

This service is available via the eSanté portal. The yellow card remains in force.

Médecin qui vaccine un bébé

Benefits for health professionals :

  • Vaccination history easily accessible online
  • Checking and monitoring of vaccination status
  • Support for vaccination indication, including booster schedule
  • Updating of the calendar according to CSMI recommendations
  • Possible links to updated notices and RCPs
  • Vaccine traceability and pharmacovigilance (Vaccination date/serial number/vaccine lot/expiry date retrieved by Datamatrix, and possible link to a pharmacovigilance declaration form)
  • Facilitated stock management - reduced administrative burden
    • Local stock management allowing automatic replenishment (according to vaccinator profile and vaccine availability)
    • Management of vaccine expiries
    • Management of batch withdrawals
    • Alert in case of stock shortage
Femme avec casque Helpdesk

Need more information?

Please contact our helpdesk:

• by phone: (+352) 27 12 50 18 33
• by email: helpdesk@esante.lu

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